Every game year, there is an awards ceremony in which the player is awarded performance-based rewards. The hospital has a reputation rating (affected by how well it is doing) that affects the chances of new patients coming. From time to time, emergencies (an influx of patients with a specific disease) can occur. Patients’ diagnosis begins in a GP’s Office before they are sent for further diagnosis in other rooms, and eventually treatment.

Like Theme Hospital, hospitals start out empty. Two Point Hospital features unique, comical conditions, including “Light-Headedness” (having a light bulb for a head), “Pandemic” (having a pan on one’s head), “Mock Star” (patients are Freddie Mercury impersonators), “Cubism”, and “Animal Magnetism” (having animals stuck to the patient’s body the latter disease was planned for Theme Hospital but was cut.

Players take on the role of a hospital manager charged with constructing and maintaining a hospital tasks include building rooms and amenities that cater for patients and staff (such as toilets, staffrooms, reception desks, cafés, and seating, expanding the hospital into new plots, the hiring and management of doctors, nurses, janitors, and assistants to maintain the hospital and dealing with a variety of comical illnesses. Two Point Hospital is a 2018 business simulation game developed by Two Point Studios and published by Sega for Linux, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows. Download Two Point Hospital for free on PC – this page will show you how to download and install the full version of Two Point Hospital on PC.